Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring

PKS 0754+100
Object data

  OI+090.4, OI 090.4, IRAS F07543+1004, 0754+100
  LEDA 2825311, RX J0757.1+0956, TXS 0754+100
  PKS 0754+10, PKS 0754+110, PKS 0754+101
  1RXS J075706.7+095647, WMAP J0757+0957
  2MASS J07570663+0956348, QSO B0754+10
  SDSS J075706.64+095634.8, MRC 0754+100
  RGB J0757+099, WMAP J0757+0957    
  Equat. coordinates   RA  07 57 06.7     DE  +09 56 35     (J2000)
  Constellation   Cancer
  Type   BL Lac
  Redshift (1)
  Distance (2) (3)
  1033 Mpc   
  Total mag range (mv) (4) (5)
  13.46 - 18.0
  Catalog Magnitude (1)   15.00
  Absolute Magnitude (1)   -25.7 MB
  Light Travel-Time (2)   2.994 × 109 yrs
(1) Véron-Cetty & Véron 2006, A&A 455, 776
(2) NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
(3) Co-Moving Radial Distance
(4) Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring
(5) Literature

Finding chart


Comparison stars

star  B V Rc Ic
A --- 13.02 12.66 12.30
B --- 13.28 12.88 12.49
C --- 14.48 14.15 13.84
D --- 14.80 14.33 13.90
E --- 15.29 14.94 14.58
F --- 15.68 15.25 14.85
G 16.36 15.87 --- ---
H 16.65 15.91 --- ---
comparison stars A-F from Fiorucci et al. 1998, PASP, 110, 105
  comparison stars G-H from Miller et al. 1983, AJ, 88, 1301

Colour chart

Credit: SDSS  /  Size 13´x 13´  /  Chart by S. Karge

Light curve

PKS 0754+100 is a violently variable BL Lac object in south-eastern Cancer, close to the constellation of Canis Minor. The designation PKS 0754+100 refers to Parkes Radio Survey (PKS), where this object was cataloged as a radio source. PKS 0754+100 was discovered in 1974 as a star-like radio source by the Ohio Radio Survey and was cataloged with the designation OI+090.4 (in the literature also given as OI 090.4, OI+90.4, and OI 90.4). Follow-up spectroscopy led to the classification as a BL Lac object due to its featureless spectrum, rapid flux variability and strong optical polarization.

Blazar PKS 0754+100 is a violently variable object with a total range of more than 4 magnitudes! Observations by the Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring project have increased the recorded total optical range by about 1 magnitude, due to several optical minima well beyond the minimum value of 16.94mv from the literature (see light curve above). On average, brightness varies between 16 mag and 17 mag.

For visual observers with telescopes of 8- to 10-inch of aperture, this blazar will only be visible during maximum stage. Otherwise, larger apertures are required. The object remains stellar even with large apertures. CCD observers as well as visual observers shall use the comparison stars given above.

The area of sky around blazar PKS 0754+100 is rich with bright deep sky objects, easy to observe with small telescopes. First there is NGC 2392, the "Eskimo Nebula", a bright showpiece planetary, some 12.8° NW in Gemini, which is rich in detail using high powers. An easy target for binoculars is open cluster M 44, the "Beehive", some 14.3° NE in Cancer. About the same distance to the east (13.3°) we meet M 67, another rich and old open cluster (also in Cancer). M 48 is another nice, large and bright open cluster, 16.2° to the SSE (use low powers as with M44!). Finally, you shall not forget to visit NGC 2346, the "Butterfly Nebula", a box-shaped planetary, some 16° SW, which is a nice observing target for medium and large aperture telescopes.

Those observers
who like to continue with some more bright and optically variable sources of quasi-stellar photons may turn to three BL Lac objects, not too far away from blazar PKS 0754+100:
- PKS 0735+17 (9° NW in Gem)
- OJ 287 (17.3° NE in Cnc)
- PKS 0829+046 (10° SE in Hya)

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© Stefan Karge (FQM)  /  last obs. 2025-01-29
