Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring


"Twinkle, twinkle quasi-star, Biggest puzzle from afar
How unlike the other ones, Brighter than a billion suns
Twinkle, twinkle, quasi-star, How I wonder what you are."
Georg Gamov, "Quasar" 1964.

Finding charts - Comparison stars - Object data - Light curves

Name QType z Mpc
Mag range Con RA
RXS J00066+4342 0004+434QSO
00 06 36.6 +43 42 29
PKS 0048-09 0048-097BL
0.635 2244 14.50-18.08 Cet
00 50 41.2 -09 29 06
I Zw 1 0050+124QSO
234 13.89-14.51 Psc
00 53 34.9 +12 41 36
TON S180 0054-226QSO
14.35-14.76 Cet
00 57 20.2 -22 22 56
S2 0109+22 0109+224BL 0.265
13.86-18.08 Psc 01 12 05.8 +22 44 39
3C 66A 0219+428BL 0.444
12.81-16.56 And
02 22 39.6 +43 02 08
AO 0235+164 0235+164BL 0.940 3077 14.3-20.0 Ari
02 38 38.9 +16 37 00
PKS 0405-12 0405-123QSO 0.572 2057 14.3-15.4 Eri
04 07 48.5 -12 11 36
PKS 0422+00 0422+004BL 0.310 1188 13.65-17.0 Tau
04 24 46.8 +00 36 07
TXS 0506+056
0506+056BL 0.336 1750 14.2-16.0 Ori
05 09 25.9 +05 41 35
HS 0624+6907 0624+691QSO 0.370 1398 14.1-14.5 Cam
06 30 02.6
+69 05 03
1ES 0647+250 0647+250BL 0.203 799 15.24-16.84 Gem
06 50 46.5 +25 03 00
S5 0716+71 0716+714BL 0.310 1153 12.06-17.5 Cam
07 21 53.3 +71 20 36
PKS 0754+100 0754+100BL 0.266 1034 13.46-18.0 Cnc
07 57 06.7 +09 56 35
B3 0754+394 0754+394QSO 0.096 389 14.36-14.7 Lyn
07 58 00.1 +39 20 29
PG 0804+761 0804+761QSO 0.100 402 13.7-14.7 Cam
08 10 58.5 +76 02 43
1ES 0806+524 0806+524BL 0.138 552 14.8-16.3 Lyn
08 09 49.2 +52 18 58
PG 0844+349 0844+349QSO 0.064 262 13.67-15.28 Lyn
08 47 42.5 +34 45 05
OJ 287 0851+202BL 0.306 1176 12.0-17.5 Cnc
08 54 48.8 +20 06 30
HE 1029-1401 1029-140QSO 0.086 351 13.6-14.4 Hya
10 31 54.4 -14 16 52
MRK 421 1101+384BL 0.031 126 11.6-16.5 UMa
11 04 27.2 +38 12 32
PG 1116+215 1116+215QSO 0.177 702 14.2-15.0 Leo
11 19 08.8 +21 19 18
MRK 180 1133+704BL 0.046 185 14.3-15.4 Dra
11 36 26.5 +70 09 28
B2 1147+24 1147+245BL 0.200 791 13.7-17.0 Leo
11 50 19.2 +24 17 54
4C 29.45 1156+295QSO 0.724 2510 12.8-18.5 UMa
11 59 31.9 +29 14 45
PG 1211+143 1211+143QSO 0.080 331 13.9-14.8 Com
12 14 17.7 +14 03 13
B2 1215+30 1215+303BL 0.130 523 13.3-16.6 Com
12 17 52.0 +30 07 01
W Com 1219+285BL 0.102 414 11.4-17.3 Com
12 21 31.7 +28 13 58
MRK 205 1219+755AGN 0.070 287 14.5-15.5 Dra
12 21 44.1 +75 18 38
PKS 1222+21 1222+216QSO 0.435 1612 14.0-17.5 Com
12 24 54.5 +21 22 46
3C 273 1226+023QSO 0.158 633 12.0-13.2 Vir
12 29 06.7 +02 03 08
RX J1230.8+0115 1228+015QSO 0.117 473 14.4-14.8 Vir
12 30 50.0 +01 15 21
3C 279 1253-055QSO 0.536 1949 11.3-17.0 Vir
12 56 11.1 -05 47 21
AU CVn 1308+326QSO 0.997 3224 13.9-19.6 CVn
13 10 28.7 +32 20 44
PG 1351+640 1351+640QSO 0.088 357 14.0-15.2 Dra
13 53 15.7 +63 45 46
PG 1411+442 1411+442QSO 0.089 363 14.4-15.0 Boo
14 13 48.3 +44 00 14
OQ 530 1418+546BL 0.152 608 10.8-16.5 Boo
14 19 46.6 +54 23 14
PKS 1424+240 1424+240BL 0.160 638 14.0-18.39 Boo
14 27 00.5 +23 48 00
MRK 478 1440+356QSO 0.079 321 14.3-14.7 Boo
14 42 07.5 +35 26 23
PKS 1510-08 1510-089QSO 0.360 1366 11.6-18.1 Lib
15 12 50.5 -09 06 00
AP Lib 1514-241BL 0.049 202 13.4-16.7 Lib
15 17 41.8 -24 22 20
PG 1553+113 1553+113BL 0.360 1365 13.5-15.3 Ser
15 55 43.1 +11 11 24
PG 1634+706 1634+706QSO 1.337 3963 14.2-14.7 Dra
16 34 29.0 +70 31 33
3C 345 1641+399QSO 0.594 2120 14.56-18.37 Her
16 42 58.8 +39 48 37
MRK 501 1652+398BL 0.033 137 13.0-14.6 Her
16 53 52.2 +39 45 37
PG 1700+518 1700+518QSO 0.292 1124 14.7-15.3 Dra
17 01 25.0 +51 49 20
3C 351.0 1704+608QSO 0.371 1405 14.6-16.3 Dra
17 04 41.5 +60 44 28
PG 1718+481 1718+481QSO 1.083 3427 14.6-14.9 Her
17 19 38.3 +48 04 13
H 1722+119 1722+119BL 0.159 630 13.0-16.6 Oph
17 25 04.3 +11 52 15
PDS 456 1725-142QSO 0.184 726 14.0-14.5 Ser
17 28 19.8 -14 15 55
I Zw 187 1727+502BL 0.055 224 14.2-16.8 Her
17 28 18.6 +50 13 11
PKS 1749+096 1749+096QSO 0.322 1230 14.1-18.4 Oph
17 51 32.8 +09 39 02
IRAS 17490+2659 1749+269QSO 0.145 576 14.3-15.1 Her
17 51 05.5 +26 59 02
S4 1749+70 1749+701BL 0.770 2633 14.8-17.7 Dra
17 48 33.1 +70 05 50
S5 1803+78 1803+784QSO 0.680 2378 14.4-17.8 Dra
18 00 45.7 +78 28 05
3C 371 1807+698BL 0.051 233 13.5-15.4 Dra
18 06 50.7 +69 49 28
KUV 18217+6419 1821+643QSO 0.297 1141 13.7-14.2 Dra
18 21 57.2 +64 20 36
PGC 61965 1831+731QSO 0.123 491 13.8- >20 Dra
18 30 23.3 +73 13 10
1ES 1959+650 1959+650BL 0.047 189 12.8-16 Dra
19 59 59.9 +65 08 55
MRK 509 2041-109QSO 0.035 136 13.1-14.0 Aqr
20 44 09.7 -10 43 24
4C 74.26 2043+749QSO 0.104 416 14.2-15.1 Cep
20 42 37.3 +75 08 02
UGC 11763 2130+099AGN 0.061 234 14.1-14.9 Peg
21 32 27.8 +10 08 19
PHL 1811 2152-096QSO 0.192 745 14.0-15.4 Cap
21 55 01.4 -09 22 24
PKS 2155-304 2155-304BL 0.116 461 12.0-14.2 PsA
21 58 52.0 -30 13 32
BL Lac 2200+420BL 0.069 274 10.5-17.28 Lac
22 02 43.3 +42 16 39
3C 454.3 2251+158QSO 0.859 2869 12.3-17.2 Peg
22 53 57.7 +16 08 53
  Name: Most common name; adopted from Véron-Cetty & Véron (2006)  [except PKS 1749+096]
  Q: Coordinate designation (B1950); adopted from Hewitt & Burbidge (1993). New objects were transformed to the B1950 nomenclature.
  Type:  QSO = Quasar  /  BL = BL Lac object (Blazar)  /  AGN = Active Galactic Nucleus  [see Véron-Cetty & Véron (2006) for classification criteria]
  z = Redshift
  Mpc = Distance in Megaparsec
  Mag range: Visual Magnitude
  Con = Constellation
RA = Right Ascension (J2000)  [HH MM SS.S]
DE = Declination (J2000)  [±DD MM SS]       

The research for this website has made use of the following online databases:
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
CDS Strasbourg Database (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg), operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France.
APASS Database (AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey). Funding for APASS has been provided by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund.
ESO Online Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), provided by the ESO Science Archive Facility, and produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute through its Guide Star Survey group (see acknowledgment).
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Funding was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England.

 The Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring Project
is an observing program by Stefan Karge, Frankfurt, Germany.
 The four b/w quasar images on top of this page were adopted from the Digital Sky Survey (DSS). Additional editing and labels by the author.

 e-mail:  s.karge [at] gmx [dot] net

 © 2011-2025 by Stefan Karge

