Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring

3C 273
Object data

  Cross-Identifications   4C +02.32, PG 1226+023, ON+044, 1226+023
  MSH 12+08, NRAO 400, PGC 41121, RBS 1114
  PKS 1226+02, HE 1226+0219, 1ES 1226+023
  RX J1229.1+0203, 2EG J1229+0206, DA 324
  2MASX J12290674+0203083, TXS 1226+023
  1FGL J1229.1+0203, SWIFT J1229.1+0202
  GALEXASC J122906.80+020308.2, CTA 53
  WMAP J1229+0203, IRAS 12265+0219
  Equat. coordinates   RA  12 29 06.7     DE  +02 03 08     (J2000)
  Constellation   Virgo
  Type   QSO
  Distance (2) (3)
  633 Mpc
  Total mag range (mv) (4) (5)   12.0 - 13.3
  Catalog Magnitude (1)   12.85
  Absolute Magnitude (1)   -26.9 MB
  Light Travel-Time (2)   1.918 × 109 yrs
(1) Véron-Cetty & Véron 2006, A&A 455, 776
(2) NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
(3) Co-Moving Radial Distance
(4) Literature
(5) Frankfurt Quasar Monitoring

Finding chart

Comparison stars

star  B V Rc
A 12.85 11.87 11.30
B 13.17 12.68 12.31
C 13.33 12.69 12.27
D 14.03 12.93 12.34
E 14.12 13.56 13.16
F 16.04 14.94 ---
comparison stars A-E from Smith et al. 1985, AJ, 90, 1184
comparison star F from Penston et al. 1971, PASP, 83, 783

Light curve

The host galaxy and the jet of 3C 273

The jet of 3C 273
Credit: SDSS / Size: 3´× 3´
Credit: Hubble Space Telescope (WFPC2) / MERLIN

Spectrum and Redshift of 3C 273
Credit: Maurice Gavin / Additional labels by S. Karge

3C 273 is the brightest quasar in the heavens, and consequently a very famous object in astrophysics. At a distance of about 2×109 light-years, 3C 273 is located in the far cosmological background of the southern extension of the Virgo galaxy cluster. It is very bright across all wave bands from radio to gamma. Quasar 3C 273 was discovered in 1959 as a radio source by the 3. Cambridge Radio Survey (3C). Since then, this quasar has been cataloged by several other radio surveys (e.g. 4C, PKS, MG). Spectroscopic investigations of the stellar optical counterpart revealed a Seyfert 1-spectrum.
In 1963, Maarten Schmidt first deciphered its spectral redshift.
The position of the quasar spectral lines did not fit with those known from the absorption line pattern of ordinary stars. Schmidt identified the true nature by shifting the emission line pattern to the red end of the spectrum (see image above). In fact, the expansion of the universe shifted the spectral lines by 15.8 per cent (z=0.158).
The host galaxy of 3C 273 is an elliptical
galaxy (see image above). One of the most striking features of 3C:273 is a single jet, emerging from the galactic centre - extending 23" to the SW. Structures and changes inside the jet have been well studied through all wavelengths.
New investigations on the central black-hole of 3C 273 was undertaken by ESO´s Very Large Telescope GRAVITY Collaboration, which were published in 11/2018. As the result, the supermassive
black-hole has an inferred mass of about 300 million solar masses (2.6 ± 1.1 ×108 MSo). In addition, the radius of the accretion disk was determined as 150 ± 40 light days, or 0.13 pc.

3C 273 is a low amplitude variable object ranging between 12m.0 - 13m.2! No question, 3C 273 is a must for all observers! CCD photometrists, as well as visual observers, shall use the comparison stars given above. Other photometric sequences were published by Doroshenko et al. (2005), Fiorucci et al. (1998), Gonzŕlez-Pérez et al. (2001), Hamuy et al. (1989) and Sutton et al. (1974) - which underlines the high astrophysical
significance for this quasar-"superstar".

Visual observers need at least a 6-inch telescope to glimpse this famous stellar object in the eyepiece. 3C 273 is the only quasar that found entry into observing handbooks and star charts.


Two bright 11-mag spirals can be found about 1.4° E of 3C 273: NGC 4536 and NGC 4527. Both galaxies are type SBbc-spirals and members of the Virgo galaxy cluster.

Another quasi-stellar object, 14-mag quasar RX J1230.8+0115, can be found only 1° SE of 3C 273.
So when you are around for 3C 
273, why not taking a look at quasar RX J1230.8+0115 as well?

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     Quasaren und BL Lacertae Objekten; Frankfurt 2005.
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Lloyd, C. 1984, MNRAS, 209, 697; Optical Monitoring of Radio Sources.
Penston, M.J., Penston, M.V., et al. 1971, PASP, 83, 783; Stars observed photoelectrically near Quasars and
Puetter, R.C., Smith, H.E., et al. 1978, ApJ, 226, L53; Spectrophotometry of Quasi-Stellar Objects at Optical and
     Infrared Wavelengths: PG 0026+129 and 3C 273.
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Rösner, H.J., Meisenheimer, K. 1991, A&A, 252, 458; The Synchrotron Light from the Jet of 3C 273.
Sandage, A. 1964, ApJ, 139, 416; Intensity Variations of 3C 48, 3C 196 and 3C 273 in optical Wavelengths.
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Veit, K. 1996, Interstellarum 7, 50; OdS: 3C 273.
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Véron-Cetty, M.-P., Véron, P. 2003, A&A 412, 399; A Catalogue of Quasars and Active Nuclei: 11th edition.
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Wenzel, K. 1997, Interstellarum 10, 24; Quasare - Objekte für den beobachtenden Amateur.
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Landessternwarte Heidelberg

Hamburg Quasar Monitoring


Gary Poyner (light curve)

Sloan Digital Sky Survey

AAVSO (vsots)

AAVSO observing campaign

Hubble news release archive

3C 273 (Sasmirala, Univ. of Heidelberg)

© Stefan Karge (FQM)  /  last obs. 2025-02-03
